Puthoor; Heavy traffic Jam smothers in Puthoor, Kollam city bound to become a curse to people who are travelling through this areas. It is a daily seen that from morning to evening vehicles are lined up in Puthoor because of heavy traffic jam. Yesterday also vehicles have been serrated in Puthoor for many hours. A long queue of vehicles extending to one Kilometers can be seen in Puthoor yesterday also.
Ambulance came up from Private hospital also stranded in Puthoor causing long traffic Jam. In rainy days increasing traffic jam also makes trouble to foot passengers here. In recent days this is common that the hectic Jam prone to obstacles of movement of vehicles says local drivers and town merchants.
The control of transport ineffective is the basic reason for the traffic Jam in Puthoor attributes people. Unscientific parking is the main headache of this enclaves. The lack of sorting in zones of parking and no parking areas hurled the vehicle passengers on confusion where to park their vehicles .This firm up traffic jamming in Puthoor.