Government Anganawadi operates in a Collapse building. Government Anganawadi located in Chavara , Edathuruth Kollam district operates in a building, now the stage of being collapsed.
14 kids is been studying in this Anganawadi having no facilities of water and toilet. Due to Corona pandemic spread , now the kids is being in their homes. With in few days they will be reached in to Anganawadi for the classes.
The condition of the building which the Anganawadi is being worsening day by day. There are small holes formed the floors in the building and the shade of this buliding got collapsed partially.
After the Corona outbreak the Anganawadi was shut down for few months. When it opened for the classes Snakes are brooding under the small holes are common sight in this Anganawadi.
So the life of the kids and the workers are now in a threatening phase. They are struggling too much with the present condition of this building. We are ready to relocate from this building , but no premises are equipped to relocate says Anganawadi workers.
If we find the exact place to relocate the ICDS office will pay 1000 Rs to buliding owner’s account as well as we just find out the land for Anganawadi building 10 lakh Rs will be granted the ICDS department.
But the process are still in pipeline. No one is ready to depart the land or building for rent. This is the main issue come across to us. We are not safe in this building , actually the building which the Anganawadi operating belongs to a cultural club named Chithira and the building had 30 years of staleness.
This dilapidated building now in a collapse stage. If it is fell down , the life of kids and workers will be threatened . So the responsible authority should take necessary steps to avoid strong cataclysm from this.